About Us

What We Do

  • We advocate for improvements to Washington State’s DD service delivery system through our lobbying and grassroots efforts.
  • We participate in the planning for the future of residential services through representation on statewide committees and task forces.
  • We provide multiple avenues through which members can share resources and information.
  • We advocate for providers throughout the state on legislative, contractual and regulatory issues. We represent our membership in contract, certification, and regulatory (WAC) negotiations with the Department of Social and Health Services.
  • We identify and problem-solve issues that affect community residential providers and their clients, families & staff
  • We promote professional staff development through training and educational activities
  • We inform and educate legislators regarding issues related to individuals with developmental disabilities and the residential providers who support them
  • We facilitate communication between members, other residential programs, and related organizations
  • We encourage innovation, creativity, and positive changes in the field of developmental disabilities

Shared Values

  • Cooperation
    We work together in a cooperative spirit to achieve common goals. We honor and encourage all opinions, but strive to move forward with a common voice.
  • Advocacy
    We recognize that the ultimate interests we represent are those of the individuals we support.
  • Respect
    We hold each other in high regard and treat each other with respect.
  • Integrity
    We say what we mean and do what we say. We are trusted because we are trustworthy.
  • Reliability
    We present reliable, well researched, and accurate information.
  • Teamwork
    We genuinely care for and support those with whom we work shoulder to shoulder. “One for all and all for one.”
  • Fun
    We are passionate about what we do and we have fun doing it.